


Online Strategy

The online strategy is part of our marketing strategy as a whole, but summarizes everything regarding the online media –if we are doing inbound or outbound marketing and what % of each one, what type media are we using, how they will interact (the general schema), and the type of results we can expect. The Online Media Planning will follow the Online Strategy (attached to it), showing exactly which media we will be using, how are we going to work each one (main contents, frequency, tagging and keyword phrases to use, etc), how to control the results (metrics), who is […]

Storytelling como herramienta de Comunicación

El storytelling es una forma de comunicar ‘contando una historia’, la historia de nuestra marca, de forma que conectemos y enamoremos nuestro público objetivo. ‘Está comprobado que una historia conecta más que una serie de hechos’. .